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Have we had enough impact so far?

It's the last day of January 2020. Have you start doing your wish list or resolution? Or still comfortable with former daily routine? Me still struggle.. 

Just realized that time flies so faast.. Today, one of my team at office is retired after 27 years dedicate himself to the company. Everyone has their period, i mean particular set time to define themselves by works, idea, and the most important thing is to leave a  legacy. It's not about the money or physical things only, but a value that we give to others. Whether it's a good way of working and thinking, strong and dicipline person, the right principle of life, or the ability to be fully present to others (smile, care for others, treat others with respect, and make friends with anyone). I learn a lot from him (my team whom get retired) that he touched many heart and soul by the simple smile and chit chat. It becomes rare nowadays to meet someone who really want to build the connections with others. Cause what I often see now, people only contact when they want or need something. We are minimal in warm greetings and real care,  that's us now.

Just wondering if my turn to retire come, have I had enough impact for others? Or I just live a life with boring routine with poor meaning? Need a gentle heart to admit and strong commitment to make a change.

And here is the thing, January is over, means your free trial month is out, tomorrow is February time to start your installments or you will only see your resolutions on your diary.

Good luck for you and me!

This will be a memory
Ko Sugi's last day, Jan 31st 2020
Jakarta Room, Graha Indramas


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