This is my first time experience Balikpapan. came here to visit the family of my sister's boyfriend. we had such a great time here. we've been strolling around the city and here's the recap ;
1. Hotel Aston Balikpapan
We stayed here for one night. It's a great place, had a beautiful view in lobby and there's a couple of couch fronting the swimming pool area. If we see a glance the swimming pool look like adjacent to the sea
We rent an apartment consist of 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen
2. Pasar Kebun Sayur
Located in Jl.Letjen Suprapto.This is one of the biggest market in town, they have weaving (tenun), cloth (kain), accessories, wallet, traditional bag, and stone ( batu ) which has been modified to be accessories and jewelry.
I think the price is affordable,
weaving (tenun) IDR 130K - 200 K,
cloth (kain) premium > IDR 100K, cloth ( kain) standard IDR 50K- 75K for 2 metres
necklace IDR 50 K
bracelet IDR 20K
weaving (tenun) IDR 130K - 200 K,
cloth (kain) premium > IDR 100K, cloth ( kain) standard IDR 50K- 75K for 2 metres
necklace IDR 50 K
bracelet IDR 20K
Photos by Milka
3. Hotel Grand Tjokro
It's a huge hotel near Bandara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman. The hospitality is great. They also offer various breakfast menu with an indoor and outdoor view.4. Soto banjar , Cendrawasih Gunung Kawi
We stopped by here cause this is one of the typical food in Balikpapan, named Soto Banjar.The price.arround IDR 30 K The taste is fresh but the portion is a little bit small5. RM Selat Makasar Colonial, Batakan
From outside the building is quite interesting. It has a unique design with a touch of vintage. Very impressive. When we were entering the restaurant, we can saw some fresh fish (left side) and great wall looks like a photo booth (right side). As you can see from the pictures, the interior is great and also the food.
6. Resto Dandito gunung bakaran
Balikpapan is popular with the crab. You should have to try this. A unique restaurant that mantain their originality. There's a local band plays folk songs. The tables and seats is very simple . This place is very suitable for family.
7. Souvenirs
You can find souvenirs in toko Sibayak, Stalkuda. Most popular food here ; amplang, kuku macan, peyek kepiting, lidah sapi, abon kepiting (bonting). "Kerupuk" is the most popular food here8. Pantai Kemala Melawai di belakang rumah Kapolda
9. Resto Apong Gunung Bakaran
10.Bandara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
Balikpapan has a big, beautiful, and clean airport. It seems to be renovated recently. When I sat waiting, I was approached by the officer. They asked me politely to answer survey about the airport, it turns out that they were having evaluation because Bandara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman was competiting to be in the best category of the world.
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