This is a very inspiring books by Stephen R.Covey. I try to make summarize about this book that applying 7 daily effective habits
1. Be Proactive - Freedom of choice
- More than just taking the initiative
- Responsible for our own behavior (past, present, or future)
- Make choices based on principles and values rather than mood or circumstances
Proactive person traits:
- Actor of change
- Choose not to be a victim
- Not being reactive
- Don't blame others
- Develop and use the four unique human gifts, i.e.
✓ self awareness
✓ conscience
✓ free will
- use an inside out approach to create change
- be creative impetus in their own lives
2. Referring to the Final Destination - Choice
Everything was created 2 times:
- Identify the principles, values, relationships, and goals that are important to themselves
- Make a commitment to implement it
- Make a mission statement
(the mission will underlie other decisions -> creating a culture of shared mission, vision and values, is the essence of leadership)
✓ physically (more clearly in the third point)
3. First things first - Acts
is the second physical creation
Organizing and implementing what has been created mentally (goals, vision, values, priorities)
The first three habits ( number 1 to 3) can be summarized with the phrase "make a promise and keep that promise" that representing integrity (personal victory)
4. Think win / win - Respect
The way of thinking to achieve mutual benefits, basically respect each other in all transactions,
✓not being selfish (win / lose), or like a martyr (lose / win)
✓encourage conflict resolution -> find solutions together
✓sharing information, power, recognition, rewards
5. Try to understand first - understanding
Listen to understand not to answer. If people feel understood, affirmed, and appreciated, then they will open themselves automatically, so the opportunity to speak is more open and understood to occur more naturally and easily.
Trying to understand- see grace
Trying to be understood - demands courage
Can be effective if both are balanced
6. Creating synergy - creating
Pursuing creative collaboration. Instead of controlling others to get results, believe it is better to give them the freedom to creatively achieve the results in their own way
The next three habits (number 3-6) can be summarized with the phrase "involve the others in it and find a solution together" that representing loyalty (public victory)
7. Sharpen the saw
Continuous renewal in four basic areas of life: physical, social / emotional, mental, and spiritual
In this book I also found interesting phrase that make us have better understanding in living the 7 habits above :
Emotional Bank Account : reflects the level of trust in a relationship
Acts that increase the balance of trust: understand first, be generous, keep promises, be loyal even if the person is absent
Paradigm : our lens, through which we see everything, formed by the way we were raised, our experiences, and our choices so far.
Principle : natural law which is external and which ultimately controls the rewards of our actions.
Values: internal and subjective and represent what we prioritize most, what guides our behavior
Values underlie human behavior but the principles underlying the behavioral rewards are.
Powerful Questions that Leads You to Find the Meaning of Life and Self Identity
Write a mission statement will help us focus our daily lives on what matters most to us. It is important to create a clear vision, road map and plan
The discussion starts with asking each other questions that lead to soul searching and the release of feelings:
1. What do you want to be?
2. What strengths do you have?
3. What qualities do you want to develop?
4. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
5. What do you want to achieve?
6. What contributions do you want to make?
7. What values and principles do you want to use as a basis for doing your best?
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