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Forgive like Joseph

The wounded, who heals

September 5th, 2018, by Pastor Christopher Manuputty

It's not a coincident if I came to the family service GPIB Eben Haezer last Wednesday, the commandment has blessed me so much and I just want to share it you.

As a human, it's very normal to have hate, resentment, and jealousy. But how we react to something really depend on our character and principle. It's a famous story of Joseph, was banished by his brothers, thrown into a waterless well, sold to be a slave. But still have a great heart to forgive. (Read more  Genesis 45 : 1- 15)

The Great Act of Forgiveness that We Should Learn from Joseph;

  • Nasa (Hebrew) means forgiving by lift up the person who hurt us and his false, then confront them to regret (Genesis 50 :15-21)
  • The wounded has initiative first to forgive ( verse 1-4 )
  • Forgiveness is given based on compassion, not compensation or competition (verse 9-13)
  • The greatest motivation of forgiving is we choose to maintain life instead of ruin or break off the bond of life.
  • Act of forgiveness is a result from remembering wound with God (verse7-8)
  • If we able to forgive means we already make peace with our wound( verse 5-6)

Choices and Challenge to Forgive :

  • Compensation ( Diverting attention and space for movement to be spared from the someone that hurt us)
  • Competition (Not diverting but dare to face it with some revenge plans ( hurt them back )
  • Compromize (Forgive / apologize but no more relationship)
  • Forgeting (Trying to forget all the memories)
  • Remembering (Stuck in a dramatic option and playing victim)

Conclusion :

  • Wound that we have is not to forget but to be remembered with a new way and language (learn to be grateful for bitter experience and  to convince ourself that we are no longer a victim but a healer to others)
  • Forgiveness requires high self-denial
  • To forgive is a process to make peace with the fragileness and limitation as a human
  • Human is not the same with his/her false. Which is despicable is his/her mistake, not the human. We have to keep in mind that human worth to be loved


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