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Public Relations Ala Millenials Seminar , hosted by Rumah Millenials 2017

A year ago, I was attending Public Relations Seminar which held by Rumah Millenials 

Got a lot of knowledge from all experienced in Public Relations field.

Here's some note that might be usefull for you as a student, practitioner at beginning level or middle.

Andi M Saladin (Public Relations Manager Lion Air Group)
Work of nexus public relations as a PR has a big challenge. We must have passion, stand by 24 hours. As a professional PR we have to develop some skill such as ;
  • Data Analysts
  •  Public Communication Activity (Media social), create thematic during going home season,   have initiative to take the ball ( two ways communication)
  •   Coordination among Agencies
Crisis Communications in digital age (Dealing with fact)
Social Media (with social media everyone is a journalist front liner so we have  to mind our attitude)
Crisis Communication in airline company ;
  • Aircraft incidents
  • Non aircraft incidents
The news that we share must be accurate.
Conclusion :
  • Be calm and prepared
  • Maintain good relationship with journalist
  • Remember that everyone is a journalist
Tania Amalia (Public Relations Director Leo Burnet)
One key word from Tania ; "Humanist"
Because Public Relations is a journey to find ourselves, find our character (because in the end, we’re all human)
Thing that should be improved is speaking practice. Practice while looking in the mirror for five minutes per day, find the unique angle
As a Public Relation officer remember to not take a picture with eye level (seeing something with another angle/perspectives

Find The Three line pitch ;

  •  Who am I
  • Why  am I here
  • What I want to do with my life

Five principles to remember :

  1. Open minded and listen
  2. Be a chameleon, without losing yourself
  3. Appreciate and be critical with every single details (details to develop-> analysis)
  4. Make friends not colleagues
  5. Be a team player (listen to understand, not for answer)
Tips for Social media -> story telling (people would like to know the story, something that not inform by the picture)

Tips for starter pack ;
  • Read Jakarta Post min 5 articles per day
  • Converse with new people (train some tips and trick to converse)
  • Read news article to find a perspective

Ananda Wondo (Public Relations Coordinator Kempinski)
As a PR for historical building such as Hotel Indonesia, the main issues that we have to highlight is the history and help by digital campaign . Cooperate with some travel bloggers, campaign with specific target, find the different angle from others.

Food and Beverages
·        Every restaurant has their own function , place to hang out, socialize.Cooperate with restaurant reviewer example Zomato (restaurant listing), raved (make an article), chope (mature, managerial level)
·       Invite food blogger that fits to the market
·       Make food blogger gathering

Function room
Cooperate with wedding organizer (bridestory, weddingku, etc)

F.F Wibowo (Net TV)
Citizen Journalist
Digital : Youtube, Zulu,Twitter
Marketing 360 degrees, the most important thing is use the community to reach the target
NET Good People (community of NET)
Jessica, Zalora
Engagement with the target market.
Ogilvy PR Agency number 1
Fast response even though in social media (email immediately and give a gift)
Need to maintain relationship with influencer
If we make an event, we have to help influencer to make content such as photos, food, spot for photos). Know exactly the most suitable platform to the company, analyze whether the followers are real or not, cooperate with media too

Respitasari, Nutrifood
Culture Internal has to change totally, live healthy, start from the employees , living the brand cause every employee is a PR of company
Being influencer in some community or organization that related to the company (health, environment, education)
Don’t stop to learn/never stop learning

PR Studies
How to hold on when a crisis come? How to handle crisis?
When in crisis what step do the company have to take?

Coordinate with department that related to the crisis and the expert of the area ( just in case we need some opinion from the expert) and do the opinion tasks ;
  • Telling the fact
  • Apologize (if we need to)
  • Lead public opinion


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