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Living the 7 Habits by Stephen R.Covey

This is a very inspiring books by Stephen R.Covey. I try to make summarize about this book that applying 7 daily effective habits    1. Be Proactive   - Freedom of choice -  More than just taking the initiative  - Responsible for our own behavior (past, present, or future)  - Make choices based on principles and values ​​rather than mood or circumstances  Proactive person traits:  - Actor of change  - Choose not to be a victim  - Not being reactive  - Don't blame others  - Develop and use the four unique human gifts, i.e.  âœ“ self awareness  âœ“ conscience  âœ“imagination  âœ“ free will  - use an inside out approach to create change  - be creative impetus in their own lives   2. Referring to the Final Destination - Choice  Everything was created 2 times:  âœ“mentally - Identify the principles, values, relationships, and goals that are important to themselves - Make a commitment to ...
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A Room for Myself

Jakarta, Apr 04, 2020 Saturday evening at home, just want to share about what I went through 2 days ago. Cannot be denied, I need more space for myself. Whether it's just for silence, calm down, or do whatever I need to. Its important to take a break, do silence, listen to your intuition, let go some dissapoontment and anger. It is primary need, I think. Everybody has their ownway to express dissapoinment or anger, may be listen to big volume music, scream out, travelling, writing,  crying, or just need a break,  have a room for my self. When it's been violated, please just understand if I dont feel comfortable. Is very important to get along with family, friends, relatives but there's a time that I need with myself to see what's been achieved so far, to let go when things didn't work as we expect , to forgive oursef when we realize our limit, to think about what can we do to make an improvement of myself. Forgive and congratulate myself for what's has been thro...

Quarantine Situation Day 10

Jakarta, March 29th 2020 I believe what's happening right now will become history someday. Start from March 16th my office has begun to implement schedule work from office and work from home. At begining, it was only two groups but a week after the employee's are divided into 3 groups. Jakarta today is a very different portrait, the street is quiet, no more traffic jam (finally) At 10 AM, my mom and I was folowing online streaming Sunday service. This was second time (first time was last Sunday. Never acrossed my mind that it would be a very intimade and touchable experience. Sit in front of laptop with ordinary clothes but feel peacefully at mind and heart. I think that's the power of surrender, acknowledging that we are only human, less of power and weak. Realised that we need God in every step of our life. We are totally dependent of God First Sunday service at home, March 22nd 2020  reminds us  that fellowship that God give to us is a precious gift. We never ...

Balikpapan 26-28 Jan 18

This is my first time experience Balikpapan. came here to visit the family of my sister's boyfriend. we had such a great time here. we've been strolling around  the city and here's the recap ; 1. Hotel Aston Balikpapan We stayed here for one night. It's a great place, had a beautiful view in lobby and there's a couple of couch fronting the swimming pool area. If we see a glance the swimming pool look like adjacent to the sea We rent an apartment consist of 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen 2. Pasar Kebun Sayur Located in  Jl.Letjen Suprapto. This is one of the biggest market in town, they have weaving (tenun), cloth (kain), accessories, wallet, traditional bag, and stone ( batu ) which has been modified to be accessories and jewelry. I think the price is affordable, weaving (tenun)  IDR 130K - 200 K, cloth (kain) premium > IDR 100K, cloth ( kain) standard IDR 50K- 75K for 2 metres necklace IDR 50 K...

Have we had enough impact so far?

It's the last day of January 2020. Have you start doing your wish list or resolution? Or still comfortable with former daily routine? Me still struggle..  Just realized that time flies so faast.. Today, one of my team at office is retired after 27 years dedicate himself to the company. Everyone has their period, i mean particular set time to define themselves by works, idea, and the most important thing is to leave a  legacy. It's not about the money or physical things only, but a value that we give to others. Whether it's a good way of working and thinking, strong and dicipline person, the right principle of life, or the ability to be fully present to others (smile, care for others, treat others with respect, and make friends with anyone). I learn a lot from him (my team whom get retired) that he touched many heart and soul by the simple smile and chit chat. It becomes rare nowadays to meet someone who really want to build the connections with others. Cause what I often se...

Forgive like Joseph

The wounded, who heals September 5th, 2018, by Pastor Christopher Manuputty It's not a coincident if I came to the family service GPIB Eben Haezer last Wednesday, the commandment has blessed me so much and I just want to share it you. As a human, it's very normal to have hate, resentment, and jealousy. But how we react to something really depend on our character and principle. It's a famous story of Joseph, was banished by his brothers, thrown into a waterless well, sold to be a slave. But still have a great heart to forgive. (Read more  Genesis 45 : 1- 15) The Great Act of Forgiveness that We Should Learn from Joseph; Nasa (Hebrew) means forgiving by lift up the person who hurt us and his false, then confront them to regret (Genesis 50 :15-21) The wounded has initiative first to forgive ( verse 1-4 ) Forgiveness is given based on compassion, not compensation or competition (verse 9-13) The greatest motivation of forgiving is we choose to maintain life ins...

PR vs Marketing

Have read Public Relations Corner by Prita Kemal Gani and there are so many insight of PR that can be informed. Here's one of the hits topic that I summarize in table so you can find the differences easily. A lot of people assume that Marketing is similar to Public Relations. They don't know exactly what's the different between them. Hopefully you can get an understanding from the explanation bellow ; No Differences Marketing Public Relations 1 The use of communication message Provide message in form of promotion and offering product/services   They communicate all activities that represent the company image. To convince the stakeholders that company have positive image 2 Communication tool Advertising News 3 The use of media Have an independency to decide place and time based on cost that have been paid  Media as a relation, PR can't insist their news to be loaded 4 Time perio...